Our ADSHG Media Centre is for journalists looking for information about Addison's disease and adrenal insufficiency (AI) and our charity. Discover the facts about these conditions along with the research and the fundraising that helps support people who live with them every day.

Addison's Disease and Adrenal Insufficiency

The facts about Addison's disease and adrenal insufficiency

The facts about adrenal crisis and emergencies

Recent research findings

The ADSHG's latest COVID-19 Guidance

Addison's Disease Day - 29th May annually - search #AddisonsDiseaseDay on socials for more information.

Addison's Disease Self Help Group (ADSHG)

Our history

Our work

Our team

Our Clinical Advisors: The Addison's Clinical Advisory Panel (CAP)

Press Releases



Media Gallery

A selection of images that can be used in your publications, broadcasts and digital channels, only with acknowledgement to the ADSHG. Please contact us to let us know if you are planning to use our logos and we can confirm that your planned usage is acceptable to the charity.

View ADSHG media gallery

Contact us

Our Enquiries Team are here to help you with your questions and requests. Please email: [email protected]

Social Media

Please include our social media links. You can follow us on X / TwitterFacebookInstagramLinkedIn, Threads, TikTok and YouTube.

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