In memory of Victoria Lynne Wood

Alex Worth

To help find a cure for Addison's Disease

Cambridge Half Marathon

Oliver Hodge

A group of us are raising money for the Addison's Disease Self Help Group so that they can continue to support people with Addison's and adrenal insufficiency. We'll be running the Cambridge Half Marathon on the 6th of March this year. Any donations are greatly appreciated!

In Memory of Margaret Evans

Tracey Girdler

In memory of my amazing mum Margaret Evans, I'm raising money for the Addison's Disease Self Help Group so that they can continue to support people with Addison's & adrenal insufficiency. Addison’s is a rare endocrine condition where the adrenal glands do not produce enough steroid hormones and can be life threatening. It affects approximately 1 in 10,000 people, meaning an estimated 300 - 350 new cases are diagnosed each year across the UK, this makes it roughly 300 times rarer than diabetes.

20,000 Steps Per Day for Addison's Disease

Megan Fitzpatrick

Megan's 20,000 steps per day challenge, raising vital funds & awareness for Addison's disease

Run for George

Jonathan Sumner

I'm running 10km a day for 50 days to raise money for vital research and devlolment of a adrenal crisis epipen for people that have a steroid insufficiency.

12hr mountain bike marathon

Paul watson

My amazing wife, Helen, has addison's disease and I would love to raise awareness in the medical community.

A Force For Change

Mark Lancaster

In memory of Douglas McEwan, our much-missed colleague and friend.

One Tone’s Fundraiser in memory of Nik Hale in aid of Addison’s Disease

Tony Bignold

A well loved, good friend of mine sadly died of Addison’s Disease last year and he owned Revival Clothes shop in Banbury and the new owners wanted to do a fundraiser in his memory that was unfortunately cancelled due to Covid 19.

In memory of Clare

Vincent Simpkins

A dear friend passed away from Addison’s disease, All of her symptoms went un-noticed and were mis diagnosed so we are raising awareness of this disease in the hope that it doesn’t happen again.