The Addison's Disease Self-Help Group was founded in 1984 by Deana Kenward following her diagnosis of Addison's disease. Over the following years, the organisation has grown to become an internationally recognised patient support group, raising medical awareness and bringing together an incredible community.

But this wouldn't have been possible without the hard-work and dedication of the early ADSHG volunteers, who supported Deana allowing the charity to grow. One such volunteer was the brilliant Lynda Harris, who sadly recently passed away. In recognition of Lynda's contribution we remember, thank and look back at all Lynda did for the ADSHG.

'The Doing Lady'

Deana tells us: "I knew Lynda for 70 years. I do not have a photo of her alone because we were always together. Lynda was dubbed 'The Doing Lady' by former group member Alison because she helped me at so many meetings here at my house and the local Scout Hall.

Lynda and I would go up the night before to clean the place up, one time we had eighty people in that small hall! When at the meetings, I could not circulate and make drinks and sort food, so I asked my friend if she would do the honours. I am sure many members who have been with the group for a long time will remember Lynda aka 'The Doing Lady'. 

In November 2020 Lynda broke her ankle and was in hospital for five months. Sadly the break would not heal and she ended up having her right leg amputated from just below the knee. She was housebound and spending life between her bed and a chair. I admire her for the humour she kept and accepting the life she had to adapt to. We would phone each other all the time and I visited often. I hope if ever need be, I would have the strength of my lovely friend.

She never lost that wicked sense of humour and would wish to be remembered to the members from back in days of her tea and coffee making skills."

Lynda the Lioness

Lynda was a Lioness, a female member of the charitable Lions Club organisation. She put Deana in touch with the Lion Club and the following year they were able to present Deana with a word processor. In 1992 Deana wrote to her members and asked “Would you like a newsletter?” 

The Lion Club's donation of a word processor to Deana, enabled her to send typewritten letters to members.

For sixteen years Deana ran the group single-handedly with support from founding members and her friends and family. We're extremely grateful for Lynda's support allowing Deana to continue on her mission for the ADSHG and especially at those early social meetings, bringing together and hosting our community.

Many happy memories in the photos below from Deana's album

ADSHG Members remember Lynda

"I'm very sorry to hear this news. Lynda was a tower of strength and humour and it was great meeting her when I was a new member. Please send my good wishes."

If you remember Lynda and wish to send your message of condolence, please get in touch here.

Lynda died aged 78 on 3rd November 2021. Please join us in sending sincere sympathies to Deana and Lynda's family at this sad time. 

To hear more about the ADSHG's history and how it was able to flourish thanks to long standing volunteers like Lynda, read our interview with Deana "From an Unusual Tan to the TV Times and beyond"

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