Welcome to our latest members' magazine - available for download now! 36 pages packed with news, views and advice from the Addison's community - to the Addison's community.

Trusted, expert advice has never been more important, so as an ADSHG member we hope you’ll enjoyed reading our magazine, chatting on the private online forum and receiving our news alerts. 

Our cover features a beautiful painting created by volunteer Anne, who has Addison's  disease herself. 

You can hear more from Anne in our "Meet the Designer" interview on page 34 of the magazine.

View the Summer Magazine 

(requires forum log-in - members only - opens in new window)

If you're not a member, but would like read the magazine, you can join the ADSHG today!

Become a member

If you are unable to afford membership at this time, please apply to our Hardship Fund on the 'Join Us' page to apply for membership. We want everyone to have access to information they can trust and support when they need it.

Join the ADSHG 

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