Do you have Addison’s or adrenal insufficiency? Do you support someone with a health condition which puts them at risk of an adrenal crisis? Please consider completing this survey to aid the development of SOLUtion Medical’s one-step injector for delivering adrenal crisis medication.

SOLUtion Medical, who were awarded our 2020 Professor John Wass Emergency Medicine research grant, are developing a much needed epi-pen like device for the administration of emergency hydrocortisone.

ADSHG charity members will remember Julia’s exciting updates from our London AGM in July 2022, or even have met her in person when Julia travelled from Philadelphia to Ireland to present on the prototype auto-injector TwistJECT™ at our Dublin meeting in October 2022. Thank you to our members at the Dublin meeting, who as part of a focus group, gave their feedback on the prototype device to aid in its development.

Now this is where you come in!

Please consider completing the survey to further aid the development of the TwistJECT™ device.

Click here to complete the survey

The aim of this survey is to help the SOLUtion Medical team understand how, when, where, and for how much people are obtaining their adrenal crisis medication. Based on this information SOLUtion Medical can understand what people living with steroid-dependency need.

Who can take part
  • Participants who have some form of adrenal insufficiency (primary, secondary, or tertiary) or support someone with a health condition which puts them at risk of an adrenal crisis.
  • 18 years or older.
  • The survey is tailored to the NHS and HSJ healthcare systems, so is open to residents in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
  • International members: Surveys tailored to different countries healthcare systems are being developed by SOLUtion Medical with the support charity for your country. So make sure you follow SOLUtion Medical on social media to hear when these are available.
  • The questionnaire will take approximately 10 minutes.
  • The questionnaire is entirely voluntary and participants are free to withdraw at any time.
  • If you have any questions about this survey, please contact SOLUtion Medical via their website

 Click here to complete the survey

Thank you Julia and SOLUtion Medical for researching further into this rare area of endocrine research for the benefit of those living with Addison’s and adrenal insufficiency, and all at risk of an adrenal crisis.

 If you have any questions about this survey, please contact SOLUtion Medical

 SOLUtion Website Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn

 Read our 'Meet the Researcher' article with Julia Anthony from SOLUtion Medical

The ADSHG receives regular approaches from researchers who are seeking our assistance with recruiting participants for their scientific projects. These approaches range from requests to publicise online questionnaires, to requests to assist with long-term clinical trials. Click here to more read more about our research application process

If you'd like to receive direct updates on research, the latest expert guidance and ADSHG news, join our charity today.