UK groups for associated autoimmune conditions and other causes of steroid-dependence

National Professional bodies in the field of Endocrinology

National and international umbrella support groups

United Kingdom - ADSHG is a member of the following umbrella/sector charities


The Society for Endocrinology supports a number of endocrine-related charities, many of which are listed above. The ADSHG is grateful for the coordination and assistance it provides. It also maintains a public information website, You and Your Hormones, which has a range of educational materials and a specific page on Addison's and adrenal insufficiency.

European umbrella organisations

  • Endo-ERNEndo-ERN’s mission is to reduce and ultimately abolish inequalities in care for patients with rare endocrine conditions in Europe through facilitating knowledge sharing and related healthcare and research. 
  • AdrenalNET- An initiative of the Dutch Adrenal Network that seeks to unite information about adrenal insufficiency across Europe in a central repository and improve patient care.

Overseas Addison's and Rare Diseases support groups

Many of the national support groups websites listed below are in languages other than English. Online translators can offer you a rough and ready English language version of these screen-based texts. The most readily available is Google Translate and there are others.


Australia: Australian Addison's Disease Association

Canada: Canadian Addison Society

Croatia: Rare Diseases Croatia

Czech Republic: Czech Addison's group (Addisonova Choruba)


Finland: APECED & Addison's Society (

France: Adrenal Association (Association Surrenales)

Germany: German Network for Pituitary & Addison's Disease (Glandula)

Iceland: Iceland Addison's Samtökin

India: Organisation for Rare Diseases India (ORDI)


Italy: Italian Addison's Patients Association


Norway: Norwegian Addison's Society

Poland: Association for People with Addison's and Adrenal Insufficiency

South Africa

South Asia: Malyasian Rare Disorders Society

Spain: Spanish Addison's Group (Adisen)

Sweden: Swedish Addison Association

Turkey: Turkish Addison’s Association

United Arab Emirates: Emirates Rare Disease Society

United States of America

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