Endocrine healthcare professionals: How you can support our work We are so grateful to all our medic volunteers and there are always plenty of ways you can get involved to support our work and continue your professional development at the same time. Here are some of our current opportunities: 1. Set up a Hospital Meeting For you a Hospital Meeting's a chance to: Get to know your patients with Adrenal Insufficiency a little better Check the management of their condition and readiness for emergencies in a less formal setting Get feedback to help you make your care even more marvellous! Invite your team to meet people with Adrenal Insufficiency if they haven’t before Invite your students along to learn from real cases and personal stories For your patients it's an opportunity to Share their experiences of AD with others Practise the Emergency Injection Talk to a professional about concerns that might not come to light in clinic and that might just help others Contact us about Hospital Meetings 2. Involve adrenal insufficiency patients as educators Invite volunteers with adrenal insufficiency to student exams and other learning sessions to provide them the chance learn about diagnosis and ongoing care from real cases and personal stories. Contact us and we can always contact our members to ask for volunteers as required to help you either online or in person where COVID-19 restrictions allow. 3. Help us connect with your local paramedic unit so we can deliver our online Paramedic Training to more regions If you have contacts at your local ambulance trust please ask them if they’d be interested in our online training sessions - find out more about our CPD sessions. Download our poster to share with your Ambulance Trust 4. Lead or conduct research into adrenal insufficiency with the help of our research grants. 5. Share our materials Download our leaflets and our hospital poster to put up in your waiting rooms and provide to patients in clinic – especially the newly diagnosed. You can also request paper copies of our most popular leaflets using our online leaflet request form. 6. Share your story or perspective with our members Write an article for our blog or magazine if you have an interesting perspective to share with our members or research you'd like to share with our community. Previous articles include: Behind the Research: U-RHYTHM Behind the Research: Ambulance Alert System Behind the Research: Fasting with adrenal insufficiency during Ramadan Liverpool Nurses produce video for adrenal insufficiency patients Awareness and Endocrinology with Professor John Wass Contact us about submitting an article 7. Attend one of our events From Medic in a pub to social meetings and larger events like our AGM, usually held in London. We are likely to be holding online events more often in the coming months. Contact us if you'd like to find out more about events you can attend. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook - share our posts and materials with colleagues and your network. Manage Cookie Preferences