This education booklet, 'What is Addison’s?' was written with school projects in mind and provides information on the condition, suitable for people of all ages.

The booklet gives a little history of Addison’s, from its discovery by Dr Thomas Addison in 1855, through the scientific and medical advances that occurred in the twentieth century, concluding with an overview of what life is like today for people with Addison’s. It includes a section of definitions explaining some of the medical terms used in endocrinology. This booklet is probably most useful for senior high school biology and social history topics, but may also be relevant for junior science projects.

The booklet can be downloaded in colour or black and white versions - just click the download button.

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To photocopy this booklet, set your printer to 'Fit to printable area' and to 'Black and White' print. It will then print to a photocopiable standard on a full A4 page.

Download booklet - in black & white