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The ADSHG adrenal crisis guidelines give emergency medical treatment guidance for ambulance or hospital staff in the event of a person with Addison's experiencing an adrenal crisis. These guidelines should be signed by your GP or specialist, to verify your condition.

Card versions

In addition to the adrenal crisis guidelines, you can also purchase the same emergency instructions in a handy credit card sized concertina wallet card from our shop ADSHG emergency wallet card (copies are also included in the postal charity member packs), this provides the same write-in space for your individual details and further contact details which the same letter allows.

You should also always carry on you the NHS Steroid Emergency card (Adult) or Paediatric Steroid Treatment Card for Adrenal Insufficiency.

Foreign language crisis guidelines

For those who live outside the UK or are travelling abroad, the ADSHG adrenal crisis guidelines have been translated into a number of different language versions by native-speaking clinicians. We would like to thank all those involved in the translations for their assistance.

View our emergency crisis letters in various languages.