2 Emergency wallet cards

The emergency wallet card is credit card sized and contains advice authored by The Addison's Clinical Advisory Panel (CAP) on the treatment required to prevent an adrenal crisis in the event of serious injury or illness.

Contains write-in space for individual details of allergies and other conditions, NHS identity number, date of birth and GP contact details.

Credit card sized concertina paper emergency instructions with laminated cardboard covers.

Each pack contains 2 cards.

The ADSHG emergency wallet card is intended for the information of paramedics, GPs, Accident & Emergency staff and other front-line medical personnel. We are grateful to the members of The Addison’s Clinical Advisory Panel, led by Professor John Wass, who have developed these clinical guidelines for the ADSHG.

UK delivery only.

For our shop items, delivery can take up to 21 days, as found within our shop Terms and Conditions. Whilst we put your items in the post as soon as we can, we are a very small charity so the shop only operates part-time and we appreciate your patience.

FAQ: If I have secondary adrenal insufficiency, can I still use this card?

Yes, the management of suspected adrenal crisis does not change between primary and secondary adrenal insufficiency. If you carry the ADSHG material with you, you will receive the correct treatment for adrenal crisis regardless of what caused the adrenal insufficiency in the first place. 

We recommend everyone living with Addison's or adrenal insufficiency also print a copy of the NHS steroid card to complement this card.

NHS Steroid Card