We're delighted to announce the publication of a ground-breaking new book - "Living with Addison's Disease – A Guide For People With Addison's, Supporters and Professionals". Co-authored by Professor Simon Pearce and Sarah Spain, the book marries evidence-based clinical best practice with the practical day-to-day hints & tips to not just survive, but thrive with Addison's Disease.

The book is available globally in paperback and for Kindle at Amazon and won commended in the 2019 British Medical Association (BMA) Patient Information Awards! Read more here.

Addison's Disease Self-help Group Founder & Patron Deana Kenward MBE welcomes the book :

I’m delighted to introduce you to this book! It’s a valuable resource for us all, as we learn to thrive, not just survive, on our daily journey with Addison’s disease.

I wish I’d had a copy when I was first diagnosed…

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living with addison


Managing Your Addison’s : An Introduction

  • Why is it called Addison’s disease?
  • How is Addison’s diagnosed?
  • What causes Addison’s disease?

You And Your Doctors

  • You and your endocrinology team
  • You and your GP
  • Exemption from prescription charges
  • Ambulance trust registration
  • Flu vaccine
  • You and your dentist


  • What You Need And Why You Need It
  • Cortisol Replacement
  • What Are The Considerations In Choosing Cortisol Replacement?
  • Cortisol : The Small Print
  • Aldosterone Replacement
  • Monitoring
  • Drug Interactions
  • Replacement Of Other Adrenal Hormones?
  • Obtaining And Storing Medication
  • Adrenal Crisis & Emergencies
  • Sick-Day Rules
  • Emergency Prevention
  • Travelling (Both Near And Far)

What Kind Of Quality Of Life Can I Expect?

  • Fertility
  • Pregnancy
  • Genetics
  • What About Sport and Exercise?
  • Signs of Over and Under Medication
  • Children and Young Adults With Addison’s
  • Oestrogens, Contraception and Menopause
  • Getting Older With Addison’s


  • Appendix A : Clinical References
  • Appendix B : European support groups
  • Appendix C : World-wide support groups
  • Appendix D : Additional steroid dependency information
  • Appendix E : Signs of adrenal crisis
  • Appendix F : Sick-day rules

Our Authors

Simon Pearce is Professor of Endocrinology at Newcastle University (UK), affiliated to the Institute of Genetic Medicine and the Royal Victoria Infirmary (part of the Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust), where he is an Honorary Consultant. He published his first research paper on Addison’s disease in 1998 and since then has been working to improve understanding of and treatment for the condition.

Sarah Spain MA MSc was diagnosed with Addison’s Disease in her early 30s. A published author, she has an academic as well as a personal interest in the experience of long-term conditions and, particularly, issues surrounding health and social inequalities. For many years, she has contributed as a patient advocate and lay voice on several committees, for NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence), the Royal College of Physicians, NHS England and OCDEM (Oxford Centre for Diabetes Endocrinology & Diabetes) based at Churchill Hospital, Oxford.

With contributions from :

  • John Wass is a Professor of Endocrinology at Oxford University
  • Victoria Rouse is a GP working in Gateshead. She was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes as a child, and then diagnosed with Addison’s disease during the first few years of working as a junior doctor. 
  • Tim Cheetham is Senior Lecturer in Paediatric Endocrinology and Honorary Consultant Paediatrician at the Great North Children’s Hospital in Newcastle. 
  • Philip Yeoh is Consultant Nurse in Endocrinology at The London Clinic, a charity and independent hospital.

Published in February 2019, this book is available globally via Amazon in both hard copy and Kindle/eReader formats.

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